• Tue. Feb 25th, 2025

Neptune Solution IT Services

Your Desire Our Passion

AI Chatbot Integration

Jan 12, 2024

The difficulty of ensuring artificial intelligence algorithms are safe, unbiased and accurate is turning some companies to a technology once hyped as transformative, but that has failed to catch on in business: blockchain.

Known for underpinning bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, blockchain is a data structure that makes it possible to create a digital ledger of transactions and share it among a network of computers. It uses cryptography to allow each participant in the network to add to the ledger in a secure way without the need for a central authority. Once a transaction is made, the blockchain remains an immutable record of it.

Email us: contact@neptunesolution.in

Call:  0172-4102740, +91-9780373638, 7495055288 for more details.

Visit us: www.neptunesolution.in

Office address:  Sector 34-A, SCO 156-157, second floor, Near Verka Corporate Office, Chandigarh – 160022