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Neptune Solution IT Services

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AI Chatbot Integration

Mar 14, 2024

Accuracy and responsiveness. Given that a lot of AI chatbots are using GPT right now, they’ll generally give you similar-ish content. But there were some duds. I didn’t include any platforms that couldn’t generate coherent language, that delivered wildly inaccurate information on a consistent basis, or that couldn’t move a conversation forward naturally.

Easy access. There shouldn’t be any advanced setup or technical requirements to talk to a chatbot, when you can do it quickly (and for free) with ChatGPT.

Chat experience. There are lots of ways to interact with AI, but the staple of ChatGPT is interacting with the model through a chat window. With a few exceptions, each app on this list is a conversational AI chatbot (I’ll explain any exceptions as I get to them).

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