• Thu. Feb 27th, 2025

Neptune Solution IT Services

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Employee Tracking System Services

Mar 26, 2024

Are you being watched at work? Employee monitoring has become a hot topic in modern workplaces, with employers using advanced technology to track and monitor their employees’ every move. But is it an invasion of privacy or a necessary practice to ensure productivity? 

According to a survey conducted by the American Management Association, 43% of companies in the U.S. monitor their employees’ email and other electronic communications.

Monitoring also affects employee productivity. As research shows that productivity among employees increases by 7% when they are aware of being monitored, resulting in higher profits.

Email us: contact@neptunesolution.in

Call:  0172-4102740, +91-9780373638, 7495055288 for more details.

Visit us: www.neptunesolution.in

Office address:  Sector 34-A, SCO 156-157, second floor, Near Verka Corporate Office, Chandigarh – 160022