• Fri. Feb 21st, 2025

Neptune Solution IT Services

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AI Chatbot Integration

Mar 30, 2024

Structural inequality is the result of a broad array of political, economic, social, and cultural factors. The socio-technical systems that are the result of introducing innovations into this mix have become increasingly destabilizing. The sheer ubiquity and speed by which AI-based systems are permeating our lives is disruptive of countless industries and institutions. Growing monopolies of proprietary data have and continue to rapidly empower digital elites and new digital alliances. And yet the understanding of exactly how social and technical systems interact and how to govern them globally, regionally, or locally lags far behind. To complicate matters, some applications of AI may actually reduce inequality or enhance equality in discreet ways. AIEI is working to unpack this difficult and highly transdisciplinary terrain to ensure that AI is developed and deployed in a just, responsible, and inclusive manner.

Email us: contact@neptunesolution.in

Call:  0172-4102740, +91-9780373638, 7495055288 for more details.

Visit us: www.neptunesolution.in

Office address:  Sector 34-A, SCO 156-157, second floor, Near Verka Corporate Office, Chandigarh – 160022