Tradeable tokens are digital assets that may be traded. Each NFT (Non-fungible Token) is marked with a unique token that identifies it as the original and yours alone. Digital Marketing Agency In Chandigarh Aside from art and technology, NFTs are also making their way into marketing.
NFTs are given away in a lottery as Digital Marketing Agency In Chandigarh part of their marketing strategy. Marriott Bonvoy’s raffle for a free NFT and 200,000 Bonvoy points is an excellent example of this.
Adidas, Marriott, and other high-end firms have used digital marketing strategies. Digital Marketing Agency In Chandigarh Increased NFTs as a marketing tool will open up a world of growth and opportunity.
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Office address: Sector 34-A, SCO 156-157, second floor, Near Verka Corporate Office, Chandigarh – 160022EditDigital Marketing Services in Chandigarh